a mini eBook that explains the basics on What is Vegan, plus 3 easy steps to going vegan
Asking yourself:
- What is vegan?
- What is the difference between Vegan, Vegetarian and Plant Based?
- What are Pescatarian, Demi-Vegetarian, Raw, Paleo, and Fruitarian?
- How many people in the world are vegan? What are some vegan cultures?
- Who are some Vegan celebrities?
- Who are some famous Vegan Athletes?
- Isn’t Eating Vegan Radical
- Is Veganism Good For Everyone? What About Pregnant Women And Children?
- Why Do Some Vegans Look So Bad?
- Why Are Some People Against Veganism?
- What Are The 3 Easy Steps To Going Vegan?
In this mini eBook, we explain it all – answering all the questions, and going step by step in an easy to follow way.
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The Information in this book is an extract from the course:
7steps – The Beginners Guide To Going Vegan
This course was done in collaboration with RawMunchies’ vegan recipes project.
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