An Interview with Dr Robert Morse

Dr Morse answers the question: “You’ve seen cases of getting rid of wrinkles with people in their 80s and 90s, and had mid-aged patients get their natural hair color back… what’s your secret?”

This interview appears in the Vegan Beauty Makeover, after Day 13, Smoothing Wrinkles:

Interview Text

Interview with Dr. Robert Morse, Doctor of Naturopathy and Biochemistry, herbalist and iridologist. This interview was edited from the original recording, with the approval of Dr. Robert Morse. The original recording can be found above

Hi and welcome to the Vegan Beauty Makeover. Today we have an amazing treat—a quick interview with Dr. Robert Morse, Doctor of Naturopathy and Biochemistry, herbalist and iridologist.

You have seen over 250,000 patients in hospitals and clinics, have saved people who had just a few weeks left to live, and restored them to full health, which is amazing!!! But what surprised me when I first read your book and got introduced to this lifestyle, is that it anti-ages. And you’ve seen cases of getting rid of wrinkles with people in their 80s and 90s, and had mid-aged patients get their natural hair color back.

Oh, yes. Absolutely.

So…what’s your secret? What makes people anti-age, and more importantly, what makes us sick in the first place?

Okay, so think about this: there are only two sides of chemistry, right? And when you look at the world, it’s dualistic. Creation is dualistic—there’s only two sides to it. So when you look at chemistry, there’s two sides to it: one is well known as the acid side, especially in the health field, and the other side is the base side, or we call it alkaline side.

When you take a look at what breaks things down, like tissues, and makes a hair gray and dehydrates and all that… that’s always the acid side of chemistry.

The alkaline side of chemistry is your electrolytes—it hydrates you.

Both sides don’t have the same effect—they have opposite effects.

In chemistry, the acid side of chemistry is dehydrating, and they call this side cationic, which means it’s corrosive, but it’s agglomerating, meaning things get hard, stiff and tight.

You can feel that in your body. When you work out, sometimes you get stiff and hard. That’s from acidosis—that’s from creating all this activity, and activity creates more metabolism. Metabolic waste in the human body is acidic.

Well…when you take a look at foods, foods fall in the same category. There’s a bunch of foods that are acid forming and there are certain foods that are alkaline forming. Man just loves the acid-forming foods! When you look at it, man eats predominantly acid-forming foods: that’s your proteins, your beans, your grains, your cooked dairy products, and cheeses. And then, on top of that, your body creates several pounds of acid waste from metabolism. So, when you combine the two, people are just living in the acidic world. Then, the air is getting acidic from all the by-products, and manufacturing, and cars… things are getting more and more acidic. Well, that’s corrosive; that’s inflammatory. Inflammation ranges in people all over the place, and then, of course, the kidneys shut down and tumors form and things like that.

That’s what creates the wrinkles, because when you’re acidic, that’s corrosive and destroying to tissue, so then the body has to do something to fight that, and if it’s not in the diet, then it has to take it out of the body.

The number one constituent that the body takes and uses is calcium. A lot of the great universities around the world have discovered the calcium buffering system, which means that the body steals calcium out of its connective tissue and skeletal tissue to fight all this acidosis.

When that happens, you get bruising easy, you get varicose and spider veins, your skin wrinkles, you get prolapses. With a lot of women, their uterus prolapses, bladders prolapse, bowels prolapse…your skin and your eyelids. Everything starts getting weak, because the body is borrowing that calcium. It’s kind of like a mother who has a parathyroid weakness, doesn’t utilize calcium in her own diet, doesn’t even have it in her diet, and then she has a baby. That baby start stealing all her calcium. Then her teeth disintegrate, her bones disintegrate, because the baby needs the calcium. Of course, there’s only one place to get it if it isn’t in the diet.

So, when you take a look at that, fruits, berries, and melons, and salads are your alkaline-forming foods. Your beans, your grains, your pasteurized and processed foods are all acid-forming foods, and man lives predominantly on acid-forming foods. And so, he gets more and more acidic. You get pain, you get swelling, you get tumors, you get arthritis. All the diseases that medical doctors speak of are all in the world of acidosis.

So, how do you cure people? What do you do?

You walk on to the other side of chemistry. That’s how simple it is.

You cannot get well by continuing down the acid side, because you’ll see the same thing, but worse and worse and worse… When you go to the other side of chemistry, you’re now on the electrolytes, on the hydrating side of chemistry, the anionic environment. Now your body starts hydrating and rebuilding itself.

I went, as you were talking, on raw foods. They’re not processed. You’ve got fruits and berries and melons, which are more homosapien foods, and then you get some salads, but those are herbivore foods. The body starts hydrating and repairing itself.

You see that every time. I could take a case, let’s say of Lou Gehrig’s or MS, that’s in a wheelchair, they have brain lesions, they can’t talk anymore, they can’t walk; of course, they start getting muddled. That is a high state of acidosis. You can get them on the other side, into a high level electrically of fruits and berries and melons, give them a few herbs to repair things, and pretty soon they’re up walking, talking, and having a life again.


And we’ve done that years and years and years.

That’s amazing. And I think what surprises us is that this knowledge is not more prevalent.

It should be, because it’s very simple: there are only two sides of chemistry. Pick one. Each side has its own effect upon you. Just studying a little of that shows you which side you should be on.

Well, understanding a little bit about the food you eat helps a great deal to kind of close your case for you. Especially when you look at humans; they’re frugivores. So, a human is not a paleo: he’s not a protein eater; he doesn’t have hair all over him for cold climate survival. He’s an islander. And man originated as an islander—homosapiens originated as an islander species, a primate-ish species.

When you move your diet to the high (fruits, berries, and melons), the body starts cleaning and regenerating. The nervous system rebuilds. The liver rebuilds and cleans itself. All these things start rebuilding themselves.

When you see fatty livers, and all types of inflammatory problems, and lupus and Lymes, they can talk all day long about diseases, but in reality, it’s all the state of acidosis in different locations and different degrees.

You can fix it all by walking on the other side of chemistry.

My Experience from this Interview

I don’t know how to begin this one.

I think if I started the way I reacted when he went online to meet me, it would be “Oh my God!!!” at an embarrassingly excited high pitch, that would make a toddler proud!

I discovered Dr. Morse by accident on May 25, 2015 when I was Googling makeup tips for hazel eyes, and saw FullyRaw Kristina, who changed her eyes to blue on a raw vegan diet… After her, I saw this interesting guy who was talking about the different eye colours (vid below)

That night I bought his book on kindle, and I’ve been raw vegan ever since.

For those of you who are now discovering him for the first time, I envy you! As a quick background, he’s been in the business for over 40 years, seen 250,000 patients in clinics and hospitals and restored to full health people with 2 weeks left to live. He’s an herbalist and iridologist and has a phd in both bio-chemistry and naturopathy.

Since he no longer works with patients (he teaches and does research) imagine my surprise when he agreed to give me a 10 minute quick interview for my book, Vegan Beauty Makeover.

Well… that was the plan.

It ended up being an hour and a half private lesson. Wow. We talked about hard cases – he’s just saved a 9 month old baby with cancer, fertility advice for women (I had to ask…), the medical community in different countries, awareness, healing, anti-aging and iridology.

I even got to tell him about my own story and how he’d never know what a difference he’s made for me (I don’t normally mention my personal health issues or who I work with, but I will say that I’ve been sending my testimonials for the first 2 years on the diet to the Dr Morse Herbal Health Club, so that what I’ve been through can be used to help others).

I found it hard to fall asleep that night. It was one of the top things I’ve done this year.

I feel I’ve been so blessed in the past month, with this experience and meeting another expert (the dentist I’ve written about). It’s like my life has more colour in it (or is it the berry smoothies…)

The interview text is now in transcription and editing for the book. I might also upload the original so that readers can hear it. We’ll see…

Ahh! I love being vegan. It’s been such a life changer.

Ok, time to make a smoothie.

